School resources, workload and teacher job stress: a moderation model of gender
Sumber sekolah, bebanan kerja, dan tekanan kerja guru: model kesederhanaan jantina
workload, resources, job stress, teacher, schoolAbstract
One of the goals of the Malaysian Ministry of Education is to provide human resources to meet the needs of the country's progress in the future. Today's teachers are overburdened with tasks unrelated to teaching and learning, such as co-curricular activities, attending meetings, handling student programs, and managing tasks. The pressure faced affects the teacher's emotions and leads to job stress. Therefore, this study examined the moderator influence of gender on the relationship between school resources and workload on teachers' job stress. The study used a cross-sectional survey, and the data were collected from 109 teachers in Petaling Perdana. The study revealed significant relationships between workload, school resources, and job stress. The hierarchical regression results revealed that gender moderates the proposed relationships. Support strategies can be used as one way to overcome the emotional stress of teachers in schools.
Keywords: workload, resources, job stress, teacher, school
Salah satu matlamat Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia adalah untuk menyediakan sumber manusia bagi memenuhi keperluan kemajuan negara pada masa hadapan. Guru masa kini terlalu dibebani dengan tugas yang tidak berkaitan dengan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, seperti aktiviti kokurikulum, menghadiri mesyuarat, mengendalikan program pelajar, dan mengurus tugas. Tekanan yang dihadapi mempengaruhi emosi guru dan membawa kepada tekanan kerja. Oleh itu, kajian ini mengkaji pengaruh moderator jantina terhadap hubungan antara sumber sekolah dan beban tugas terhadap tekanan kerja guru. Kajian ini menggunakan tinjauan keratan rentas, dan data dikumpul daripada 109 guru di Petaling Perdana. Kajian itu mendedahkan hubungan yang signifikan antara beban kerja, sumber sekolah, dan tekanan kerja. Keputusan regresi hierarki mendedahkan bahawa jantina menyederhanakan perhubungan yang dicadangkan. Strategi sokongan boleh digunakan sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengatasi tekanan emosi guru di sekolah.
Kata kunci: beban kerja, sumber, tekanan kerja, guru, sekolah
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