Review & Publication Process
Peer Review Process
- Authors will receive an email of manuscript submission acknowledgment.
- Manuscripts will be subjected to double blind peer-review process. Notification of review results will be sent by email.
Reviewers evaluate manuscript based on:
- their appropriateness for the journal,
- significance of contribution to the discipline,
- conceptual adequacy,
- technical adequacy, and
- clarity of presentation
The review process normally takes place between 4 - 8 weeks. Each submission will go through the following review process:
- Technical and content screening
- Double-blind reviews
- Revision(s) by author(s) if required
- Editorial screening/decision
Publication Process
- Authors submit revised manuscript within the revision period given.
- Notification of results by email. Technical check will be performed on the manuscript.
- Accepted manuscripts are subjected to Article Processing Charge (APC): RM150 (Local author) / USD40 (International author).
- Authors will be notified of the publication.
ATTARBAWIY follows a double-blind peer-review process, whereby authors do not know reviewers and vice versa.