Review & Publication Process

Peer Review Process

  1. Authors will receive an email of manuscript submission acknowledgment.
  2. Manuscripts will be subjected to double blind peer-review process. Notification of review results will be sent by email.

Reviewers evaluate manuscript based on:

  • their appropriateness for the journal,
  • significance of contribution to the discipline,
  • conceptual adequacy,
  • technical adequacy, and
  • clarity of presentation

The review process normally takes place between 4 - 8 weeks. Each submission will go through the following review process:

  • Technical and content screening 
  • Double-blind reviews
  • Revision(s) by author(s) if required
  • Editorial screening/decision


Publication Process

  1. Authors submit revised manuscript within the revision period given.
  2. Notification of results by email. Technical check will be performed on the manuscript.
  3. Accepted manuscripts are subjected to Article Processing Charge (APC): RM150 (Local author) / USD40 (International author).
  4. Authors will be notified of the publication.

ATTARBAWIY follows a double-blind peer-review process, whereby authors do not know reviewers and vice versa.