Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Performance: A Case Study of Education Colleges in Kwara State, Nigeria

Kecekapan Kendiri dan Prestasi Guru Matematik Pra-Perkhidmatan: Satu Kajian Kes Kolej Pendidikan di Daerah Kwara, Nigeria


  • Aminat Taiye BAMIDELE Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin, 1515, P.M.B, Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Morenikeji Alex AKANMU Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin, 1515, P.M.B, Ilorin, Nigeria



Pre-service Mathematics Teachers, Self-efficacy, Performance, Colleges of Education



This study examined the relationship between pre-service mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy and their performance in Colleges of Education in Kwara State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the connection between the respondents' beliefs, motivation, mastery experience, and performance. The research design utilized in this study was a correlational design. The population consisted of 322 pre-service mathematics teachers selected from the six Colleges of Education in Kwara State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed to select 250 respondents. The instrument used for data collection was an adapted questionnaire titled "Mathematics Self-Efficacy Questionnaire," while the students' mathematics performance was assessed using the existing Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA). The questionnaire demonstrated a Cronbach Alpha reliability index of 0.87. Out of the 250 questionnaires distributed, 232 responses were deemed adequate and included in the data analysis. To test the formulated hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation (r) and Multiple Regression Analysis were employed. The findings of this study revealed that there is a positive and independent relationship between pre-service mathematics teachers' belief (r = 0.25; p = 0.000 < 0.05), motivation (r = 0.22; p = 0.000 < 0.05), mastery experience (r = 0.23; p = 0.000 < 0.05), and their performance. Additionally, there is no joint correlation between pre-service mathematics teachers' belief, motivation, mastery experience, and their performance (F = 5.363; p = 0.159; 0.714 & 0.461 > 0.05). Based on these findings, it can be concluded that self-efficacy is a significant determinant factor in evaluating the academic performance of pre-service mathematics teachers. In light of these conclusions, relevant recommendations were made.



Kajian ini mengkaji hubungan antara kendiri diri guru matematik pra-perkhidmatan dan prestasi mereka di Kolej Pendidikan di Daerah Kwara, Nigeria. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk memastikan hubungan antara kepercayaan, motivasi, pengalaman masteri, dan prestasi responden. Reka bentuk penyelidikan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah reka bentuk korelasi. Populasi kajian terdiri daripada 322 guru matematik pra-perkhidmatan yang dipilih dari enam Kolej Pendidikan di Daerah Kwara, Nigeria. Teknik pensampelan pelbagai peringkat telah digunakan untuk memilih 250 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data ialah soal selidik yang diadaptasi dari soal selidik yang bertajuk "Soal Selidik Kendiri Matematik," manakala prestasi matematik pelajar dinilai menggunakan Purata Nilai Gred Kumulatif (PNGK) sedia ada. Soal selidik menunjukkan indeks kebolehpercayaan Cronbach Alpha 0.87. Daripada 250 soal selidik yang diedarkan, 232 respons dianggap mencukupi dan dimasukkan ke dalam analisis data. Untuk menguji hipotesis yang dirumuskan pada tahap kepentingan 0.05, Korelasi Momen Produk Pearson (r) dan Analisis Regresi Pelbagai telah digunakan. Dapatan kajian ini mendedahkan bahawa terdapat hubungan positif dan bebas antara kepercayaan guru matematik pra-perkhidmatan (r = 0.25; p = 0.000 < 0.05), motivasi (r = 0.22; p = 0.000 < 0.05), pengalaman masteri (r = 0.23; p = 0.000 < 0.05), dan prestasi mereka. Selain itu, tidak ada korelasi bersama antara kepercayaan guru matematik pra-perkhidmatan, motivasi, pengalaman penguasaan, dan prestasi mereka (F = 5.363; p = 0.159; 0.714 & 0.461 > 0.05). Berdasarkan penemuan ini, dapat disimpulkan bahawa keberkesanan diri adalah faktor penentu yang signifikan dalam menilai prestasi akademik guru matematik pra-perkhidmatan. Berdasarkan kesimpulan ini, cadangan yang relevan telah dicadangkan.


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How to Cite

BAMIDELE, A. T., & AKANMU , M. A. (2023). Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Performance: A Case Study of Education Colleges in Kwara State, Nigeria: Kecekapan Kendiri dan Prestasi Guru Matematik Pra-Perkhidmatan: Satu Kajian Kes Kolej Pendidikan di Daerah Kwara, Nigeria. ATTARBAWIY: Malaysian Online Journal of Education, 7(2), 45–59.