Questionnaire Study of Herbs Usage on Menstruation in Female Pre-University Students

Kajian Persoalan Penggunaan Herba Dan Kesannya Pada Menstruasi Di Kalangan Pelajar Wanita Pra-Universiti


  • Alia Maisara Adenan Pusat GENIUS@pintar Negara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Nurulhaidah Daud Pusat GENIUS@pintar Negara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia



herbs, menstrual cycl, menstruation


Menstrual cycle and menstruation can be given definitions as both are studied biologically hence the production of many literatures throughout the years. Recently, herbal medications are used as an alternative to oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) to treat women fertility in general and several literatures can be found to prove the effectiveness of herbal medicines on menstruation. The objectives of this paper are to learn if the female pre-university students are aware of their menstrual cycle and to study the effects of herbs on menstrual cycle. This questionnaire study is conducted within a population of 108 female pre-university students by distributing a web-based questionnaire through a shortened link. Cronbach alpha test is done after transferring data in the IBM SPSS Statistics ver.25 to measure the internal consistency of a test or a scale. The result shows that only 7.41% have used herbal treatments. Further studies analysis needs to be done to identify the effectiveness of the herbal treatments used on menstrual cycle.


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How to Cite

Adenan, A. M. ., & Daud, N. (2024). Questionnaire Study of Herbs Usage on Menstruation in Female Pre-University Students: Kajian Persoalan Penggunaan Herba Dan Kesannya Pada Menstruasi Di Kalangan Pelajar Wanita Pra-Universiti. ATTARBAWIY: Malaysian Online Journal of Education, 8(1), 198–205.